About BOC Instruments
Esthablished in 1920 BOC Instruments is an Australian owned & family run company with a proud tradition & reputation for delivering quality products & service within Australia & nearby South Pacific nations.
Our focus is entirely in the ophthalmic field comprising of Optometrists, Ophthalmologists, Research Institutions, Optical Dispensers, Associated Professions and Optical Laboratories.
Our latest products include the new VF2000 NEO Virtual Reality portable Visual Field Analyser, the NIDEK AL-Scan M Optical Biometer for Myopia management and the RetiCam 3100 Plus Fully Automated Wide Field Fundus Camera with true colour.
We offer a range of OCT and Fundus Camera options. The Aurora Hand-held Fundus camera is versatile and extremely portable while our NFC-600/700 models provide complete automation with exquisite image detail.
Our new Easy Plus Chair & Stand has a European modern design with superior functionality providing excellent value.
For Dry Eye diagnosis and management, we supply a range of SBM products for comprehensive Dry Eye diagnostics and management, and the new OS1000 combines Corneal Topography with complete Dry Eye diagnostics.
Our SBM ACTIVA provides electronically controlled management for heating and massaging of eyelids to alleviate symptoms due to Meibomian Gland dysfunction.
BOC Instruments
Ph. 1800804331 e-mail: sales@bocinstruments.com.au

BOC Instruments Team
Download our latest brochure on the RETICAM 3100 Plus
Download our latest brochure on the Corneal Topographer-OS1000
Download our latest brochure on the VF 2000 NEO Portable Visual Field Analyzer