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WAVE 2024
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Dr Flora Hui

Research Fellow - Department of Optometry & Vision Sciences, University of Melbourne & CERA

Professional Bio

Flora Hui (BOptom MPhil PhD) is an optometrist clinician scientist and Research Fellow at the Department of Optometry & Vision Sciences, University of Melbourne and the Centre for Eye Research Australia (CERA). She has a particular interest in new treatments and diagnostics for eye disease and what the eye can tell us about the brain, particularly in dementia.  She is a passionate science communicator and was selected for 2022 ABC Top 5 for Science and is a Superstar of STEM (2023-2024). She has previously appeared on radio and TV locally and nationally to talk about science and research.   Flora completed a Masters and PhD in lab-based fundamental sciences, concentrating on animal models of glaucoma and using retinal imaging as a biomarker for the brain. Building upon this preclinical work, Flora was involved in a landmark clinical study of hyperspectral retinal imaging to accurately differentiate people who were diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. At CERA, she focused on developing novel clinical tools to shorten the timeframe to detect glaucoma progression. This culminated in a world-first clinical trial investigating the potential of nicotinamide for neuroprotection in glaucoma. She now continues this work to determine whether nicotinamide should be incorporated into standard glaucoma care.

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